Monday, November 2, 2009

Food Article Response

Discussion Questions:

1) Why do people choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them?
2) What roles/responsibilities does the government have in framing your choices?
-Should they be responsible for educating us?
-Should they be responsible for managing all products we consume?

I think that people choose the unhealthy foods because they are cheaper, prepared for consumption quicker, and constructed to taste better. I also believe it is because of the way unhealthy foods are presented. Consumers are mislead to think that an item that contains fruit traces, counts as a fruit serving when in reality it is a dessert. People will always feel good about themselves if they eat something healthy. The problem is that they focus on nutrients instead of a balanced diet. This leads to more bad choices. the point is not to be healthy in one aspect and unhealthy in the rest. For example eating a carrot does not mean you should be rewarded with chocolate cake. People make poor food choices because they are misinformed.

The government most certainly is responsible for educating the public. If they are going to regulate and distribute food, we should know how it affects our bodies. Now they do this to an extent, they post ingredients and nutrition facts on the products. However few people know the effects of the ingredients and the nutrition facts are skewed on a non-average scale. The federal government needs to tell the whole truth and present all the facts. On the other hand people should also take responsibility. I do not think the government should manage all the products, nor do I want them to regulate it all. they should be in charge of processed foods. Organic food is best left in charge of the farmers who grow it. The people can handle it better than the politicians.